2024 Hyundai NEXO Recalls 

Hyundai Canada is committed to your safety and security on the road. If you believe your model has been recalled, use the tool to check on its status. Please note that safety recalls issued prior to 1994 are not included in this look-up tool. Recall information provided herein only applies to vehicles retailed in Canada. Please note that no Vehicle Identification Numbers include the following letters: "O", "I" or "Q". Please allow some time after your recall repair has been completed for the data specific to your vehicle to be updated.

Hyundai Lithium-ion Battery Recall
Hyundai is conducting a safety recall in Canada to address a potential condition with the electric vehicle ("EV") lithium-ion ("Li-ion') battery that could result in a fire in certain model years 2019--2020 KONA Electric and 2020 IONIQ Electric vehicles. 
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